Monday, April 26, 2010

Family trip to Assisi, Italy

Our Family: Maggie, Martina (8), Mamma Gianna, me, Ellie, Katie, Babbo Paolo, Sara.

The church of Saint Francis

Town and country. Beautiful!

The amazing restaurant where we ate lunch! The meat was grilled on this huge grill fueled by logs about 3 feet long! I got spaghetti and chicken! yum!
On Sunday, March 14, 2010, our family piled into the car and drove about an hour to the town of Assisi which is on a hill overlooking the countryside. Assisi is known for its quaint feel and as being the home of St. Francis founder of the Franciscan monk order. We saw many beautiful churches and cute little streets too small for cars to drive down. We ate lunch and walked around and just had the most beautiful and relaxing day.

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