Friday, February 19, 2010

Viareggio Carnevale! Sunday February 7th 2010

This is a picture of one of the parade floats. The flowers and butterflies all moved. There is also a man in the middle of the float being the center part of the white butterfly, can you see him?

This is a family that dressed up as skunks! The baby skunk was about 2 years old and kept throwing confetti at us.

This is my housemate, Paige, who was dressed up as Sandy from Greese. She is modeling all of the confetti that was just thrown on her, again. People also sprayed us with silly string and shaving cream-like foam.

Here we are! These are my housemates (the other students staying with this one family) and our host father, Paolo. From left to right we have Paige, Lyndsey, Sara, Me, and Maggie. It is fun having many people living in one house because I never get lonely and it makes family outings much more fun!

So many places were selling these masks! Everywhere! There were big masks that could cover your whole face and little masks that just covered your eyes. Masks are typical of Carnevale season.


  1. Hello Miss Whippie!
    Thank you for posting all the wonderful pictures. What is your favorite food so far? Have you made many Italian friends? When will you be back?
    Caio for now!

  2. Dear 2L I am so glad that you like my pictures! I love sharing them with you, it is almost like I am taking you with me on my adventures!
    My favorite food, so far, has been spaghetti. The spaghetti here has a different kind of tomato sauce that is a little more orange and a lot more yummy. The gelato is also really yummy! Gelato is Italian ice cream that is made differently from the ice cream we eat in America. It is more smooth. There are Gelato shops and stands on almost every street where I walk! I haven't made too many Italian friends, except for my host family. The father's name is Paolo, the mother's name is Gianna and their three children are named Valentina, Catarina, and Martina. They are 16, 12 and 8 years old. The youngest, Martina, is just learning some english words and how to count to 20 in English. My host family is very nice and fun. But I haven't met many native born Italian students because I go to a school just for students from other countries who want to study in Italy. I have met people from all over the United States of America and Mexico.
    I hope you all are doing well and enjoying winter. It is spring time here. The weather yesterday was about 55 degrees F. I am glad you get to see what I am doing while in Italy. I hope to put up more pictures this weekend.
    I come home May 15, which is a Saturday. Hopefully I will see you all before summer starts. Grazie 2L! Thanks 2L!
    Miss Whippie
