Saturday, March 13, 2010

Venice Trip #2

This is a mosaic. Mosaics are pictures that are made up of small stones and pieces of glass. This is an up close picture of a mosaic that is decorating the outside of the San Marco church. The inside is covered with mosaics from the walls all the way up to the ceiling. Can you imagine putting all those stones and glass in place one by one? It must have taken so long!
Here is a mosaic from far can see the different colors being used and shading in the people's robes, that is all done using small pieces of glass! I think it is amazing that from far away it looks like a painting but when you get up close you can see all the little pieces. So cool!

When it is high tide the main square, San Marco, floods and these planks are used so people can still get around. Some people wear rain boots and just walk right through the water. If only I had brought mine...

This is the Grand Canal in Venice which is the main street in Venice. When a supermarket has a delivery the products are brought to the store on a boat, not with a big truck. Instead of buses they use water busses which is a boat that makes stops all around the city.

In Italy, there are only a few things for breakfast like rolls, fruit, or little sandwiches. They do not eat pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, and home fries for breakfast. That is one thing that I really miss about home, the big breakfasts and pancakes! I usually eat a roll or 3 with Nutella, which is a chocolaty nut spread that people put on everything here! It is kind of like how we use peanut butter, except I like it better!

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