Saturday, March 13, 2010

Venice Trip #2

I went to the beautiful island of Murano about 15 minutes, by water bus, away from the main city of Venice. The island is famous for its glass work. There are many glass blowing workshops and stores all around the island. Fun Fact: The reason there are so many glasshouses on this one island is because the city of Venice was worried, in the 1500s, about the city burning down so they ordered all of the glass makers to move their workshops to the island of Murano.

This is one of the many glass stores. I am looking at this amazing spiderweb made out of glass!!! I don't know how it hasn't broken yet because the web strands are so thin! This is definitely a "do not touch" kind of store.

This is the piazza, square, San Marco (named after the church that was built on the square). The symbol of Venice is a lion, for strength and courage. If you had a city what would you have your symbol be?

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